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March Writing Marathon

Get ready for the March Writing Marathon


Photo by Jana Sabeth

Dear Community,

After the great experience in last November, we’re getting ready for another


It requires writing ONE story

Within ONE month

From beginning to end.

This means everyone writes their own project. Just within this month we’re one group of colleagues who are in the same process, everyone at different beats, hurdles or turning points.

We all meet on facebook in a closed group:

I do it like this: Every day I write 3 pages of the script.

That’s the only rule, it doesn’t matter is it’s chronological or not. After one month, I’ve got a 90 minute film script.

A first draft, of course! Which is rarely the last draft. But it is the basis for making anything happen. The pure potential of an idea might be promising -but really it is nothing. A manuscript in your hands is something much more real.

Keeping up the self-prescribed page count can work miracles!!!*

  * even if you decide to change things in the further rewrites, you’ve come to that insight through a viable process. Trial and error.

We invite you to commit to the project of your heart, and why not do that on Valentines Day?

KICK OFF am 14.2. um 12:00 in Berlin!

Save the Date!

You can meet with us at this get-together where we do a bit of a warm-up, get those creative muscles flexible and strong, and pledge our commitment to finish the writing marathon in March.

At ROTHRAUM in northern Prenzlberg (near U2 Vinetastrasse) at 12:00- 13:30.

For precise directions, please drop a line to so we know how many are coming. And if you can’t make it to the kick-off event, you can still participate in the marathon!

We’re looking forward to meeting you!

Paula & Frank

PS: Right after our kick-off, at 14:00, an interesting lecture is given by Tim Garde at the same space introducing the Chubbuk Technique. This is frequented by actors, directors and others professionals, who are into creating extraordinary characters. All participants of the marathon are invited to stay free of charge for the lecture.

Learn more here: