Basic Series Training March 2021

Four weeks. Four steps toward your series concept. March 2021.


Photo by Miguel A. Amutio on Unsplash

Basic Series Training

For screenwriters to develop their own series concept!

Wether you are writing your 5th series concept, or just thinking about it getting the first draft out, no matter where you are at, this is for you. By supplying reading samples, individual feedback, and a structured work process, this training is designed to get you to the next level. 

The step-by-step process and the high quality feedback will get you to presentable results, no matter where you start from. 

The weekly action steps are supported by reading material (samples of existing series) to clarify the task at hand. Samples in German and English (mostly). Read at your own pace and choice.

By the end of March the foundation of your own bible will be laid!

The training will be held in an exclusive workshop within Scriptdock. Only participants will have access to reading, uploading their own pages, and commenting on colleagues' posts.

What is the time frame?

4 weeks; 4 tasks.

*timed from Monday to Monday, beginning March 1st, 2021

LIVE: We start together on a joined zoom call to kick-off the training. Everyone can introduce themselves, and briefly summarize where their concept is at and where they'd like to bring it to, next. We consider your personal goals and offer continuous constructive feedback. 

(takes place on March 3rd at 18:00 Berlin time on Zoom)

Task: please introduce your series idea as a LOGLINE on the ScriptDock training site (visible for training members only who all agree not to steal it). 

1. Week: WORLD. 

We supply samples as reading material from existing series, specifically describing worlds.   

Task: write an introduction to the WORLD of your series (about 2 pages).

Even if the world seems like a "modern time ordinary place" and totally familiar to you, draw a specific picture for the reader. Consider what aspect you are focusing on, what forces are in effect on this place, what has shaped the people here and who plays which role in it. 

* Upload your pages at the ScriptDock Series Training and read the drafts of your colleagues. Offer constructive feedback and receive feedback to your draft, including by our experienced trainers.  

(This applies for  every week!)

2. Week: TONALITY.

We offer reading samples of pilots as well as bibles of existing series that capture the unique tone of a show. Several genres. Read at your own choice. 

Task: write a scene as an introduction to the TONE of your series.

(2-3 pages scene formate; or as another text type)

This doesn't require your main characters yet. How would the guards chat, for example? What does a dialogue of the typical inhabitants of this world sound like? Where is the humor/ the abyss/ what causes tension and suspense? 


We offer sample texts where the main characters of existing series are presented. Basically bible quotes ;-) 

Task: introduce the protagonists of your series. ( about 2 pages of prose).

Describe the changes these characters will go through and why. In case they remain static, highlight the qualities they have for entertainment purposes. Please include your work on the world and tonality.


4. Week: CONFLICT.

We offer sample texts of both, pilots and bibles, where a central conflict of a series is introduced. 

Task: write a scene that really pushes the conflict. ( 2- 3 pages scene formate).

This scene should change the central conflict of your main characters from positive to negative, or vice versa.


How do I sign up?

only € 44,00

You will receive a tax-deductible invoice.

We will invite you to a closed FB group for further exchange about the writing process.

Know your WORLD!
Know your GENRE!
Know your central CONFLICT!

SPECIAL OFFER: If you place on either spotlight BEST FEEDBACK and MOST ACTIVE MEMBER by March 1st, you can join one training for free!

* We supply both German and English reading samples. More English ones, actually.

** If you complete this training, you'll receive a discount access to the upcoming online PITCH TRAINING in May!