Berlinale Meet & Greet
February 22th, TD Berlin

We would like to invite you ALL to the ScriptDock Meet & Greet at the Berlinale!
It will take place on 22.2.2025
from 14:00 - 18:00 at
Klosterstrasse 44, 10179 Berlin
At the studio of the theater, we present the works from the JANUARY ONLINE PITCH EVENT on ScriptDock in a relaxed atmosphere. Table readings with actors and also a few live pitches!
How does it work?
4 scenes will be read by actors
4 pitches from the authors themselves
4 scenes will be read by actors
In between small breaks, coffee and conversations to get to know each other.
We present the current works from the ScriptDock ONLINE PITCH EVENT in January and invite the producers to attend. So that they can get to know the texts and the authors live :-)
For the selection of scenes, it is a prerequisite that the material was included in the last online pitch event and that the author is present at the event.
Best regards and see you soon!
Paula & Frank
Your ScriptDock Team