scriptDock Membership
What does the PIRATE PACKAGE do for me?
It spans an arc over 4 months of structured steps, clear dates, quality mentoring, with community and top-notch reading material to support a clear goal:
How can I get to an industry-ready pitch with little time and high expectations of myself?
We'll guide you on your hero's journey and help you stay on course.
But you also have to commit yourself to work productively and with focus on your skills and on your project.
Your Steps
To develop a first idea to a pitchable result in 4 months:
Start – Define your goal
Meet in a live call and pledge to your project.
Read – Basic Training
One month for reading and research.
Included in your membership – 44 € separately booked
Circle in and write down – Advanced Training
One month to follow a structure in writing and find your storys' structure.
Included in your membership – 66 € separately booked
Write – Screenwriting Marathon
One month to write a rough draft in creative flow.
Included in your membership – 77 € separately booked
Coaching – feedback and improvement
ScriptCoaches read your work and help you find the next steps to reach your personal goal.
One Coaching as part of the Marathon included in your membership
Climax – Pitch Event
You pitch your project, selecting your best material from all three trainings. You present it at the next upcoming ScriptDock pitch event.
Production-partners request reading access.
One Pitch included in your membership – 33 € separately booked
Become a pirate
including: 1 Basic Training, 1 Advanced Training, 1 ScreenWriting Marathon with Coaching and 1 free Pitch.
for only 200 € + VAT
Become a scriptDock pirate!
To reach your goal over the next month, including:
1 Basic Training, 1 Advanced Training, 1 ScreenWriting Marathon with Coaching and 1 free Pitch.
More information
What our members say
During the training in the Pirate package, I developed the series “Eva's Paradise”. At the pitch in Berlin in February, I was able to make some interesting contacts, including producer Tamara Kollmeder (Colourgraphie GmbH). We now have an option agreement and we are working together on the realization of the script. Without Scriptdock's well-structured program and Paula's great support, I would never have got this far. That's why I booked the Pirate package again.
The Pirate program, which lasted several months, had given me the structure on the one hand and a safe space on the other to develop a story in just a few months. The decisive factor for me personally was the fact that I continuously received appreciative feedback from Paula and was also able to establish close contact with another “pirate” with whom I was always in exchange. This feeling of community and continuous feedback really motivated me.
The material I developed was accepted for the pitch wild@heart by the Bundesverband Regie, where I was able to further refine the core of the material in a workshop lasting several days. The next success was treatment funding by Kuratorium junger deutscher Film/Kinderfilm!
If I get the feeling again that I have an idea for a material or simply want to stay in training, I would become a "pirate" again at any time. The idea for the material came to me during the first exercises in basic training! That's how it was for me.
After your feedback, Paula, I had a few days of "disorientation". But then I got the hang of my story and reworked it. "Frisian Ice", as the title now reads, is more absurd but much more stringent than the old version. I hope so. LOL! Therefore: Many, MANY thanks again for your very well-founded, constructive feedback!
I'm thinking about just booking the Freibeuter again for next semester and going the whole way again.
This whole flow is very helpful for goal-oriented writing.