Basic Tonality Training
We’re taking a look at the TONE of scripts: Reading material and practical exercises within four broad genres (DRAMA, SUSPENSE, HUMOR) let you investigate the mechanisms and invite you to practice them.
This training provides a selection of scripts that are currently broadcast as outstanding movies. Yes, you can find the scripts online - but it is more effective to engage with them in this monthlong program. Together we will write loglines and scenes of some amazing scripts - training the Oscar muscle! ;-)
Screenwriters all want and need to read fresh scripts in order to stay on top of the current development of the trade, therefore we'll jump right into some of the best ones today. As reading scripts and writing scenes really is the basis of the craft, this training is suitable for all levels of experience - from newbie to pro - plus working side by side provides different angles and is fun!
The trainings are each offered in a closed Scriptdock workshop to allow a clear focus on either feature film or series. Each group can read texts on at least 4 genres within the training, upload their own scenes and loglines, and exchange ideas with colleagues.
German and English are mixed; everyone reads and writes in the genre of their choice; only the formats are separated here :-)
Most scripts (and in series training Bibles) are in ENGLISH.
What is the time frame?
Feature film: 4 weeks; 4 scripts to read.
Series: 4 weeks; read 8 episodes.
*For dates check the calendar please.
- Task: each week you will be invited to read an award-winning script. We can all learn from the best and it is immensely inspiring!
- Task: write this scriptlog-line. Upload and discuss this log-line within the course, compare your version with others from the class.
- Task: write a new scene for that script. Try to get into the specific tone of it! You can send the characters into another plotline; or into a prequel or a sequel of the original script. You practice to write a 2-3 page dynamic, completed scene. This is our practice: to hit a genre tonality.
- Task: Upload this scene into the course DryDock; read a scene of a colleague and comment on it constructively. Experienced writers accompany every group and lead in a constructive exchange culture.
How do I sign up?
This offer is effectively sharpening your own tonality and voice as a writer. It has been tried and proven and lead to some career changing discoveries - your own voice!
This is absolutely doable, even on a busy schedule and tight budget: for only € 44,00
! + VAT
You will receive a tax-deductible invoice.
There are no more excuses ;-)
Know your Genres!
Know your strengths!
Become a scriptDock pirate!
To reach your goal over the next month, including:
1 Basic Training, 1 Advanced Training, 1 ScreenWriting Marathon with Coaching and 1 free Pitch.
More information
* for each genre ONE of FIVE scripts is in German. So if this doesn't concern you, just read the 4 English ones.
Many of the scripts can be found online and read at your own time and disposal. If you actually do that, great! This training is for those of us who want practical exercises, exchange feedback, and to engage in a group.
I find the structure and the questions of the training very helpful and they accelerate me forward in my work. I have the feeling that I am being guided along the core theme, and that following the tasks and answering the questions actually unfold the material as if by magic.
The fog disappears and a path of concrete writing and research lies before me. I'm glad to be a part of it. Thank you for the training. For me it's been a great support.
I wanted to thank you and the October training, I got into the Netflix writing program with the project I worked on with your feedback at the training! Thank you guys! I don't think I would have had the push to submit without your feedback!
For me it's great that this workshop offers a protected space and helps you not to stray from the path. There is always feedback and suggestions, and they are like a machete in the jungle to find the path of how you really want to tell the story. Also, I know that fear of having send something to potential partners and then sinking into self-doubt.(...) And what works against self-doubt is only continuous writing and training. So thank you for this workshop. I think it's a super good thing!
Es hat mir wirklich Spaß gemacht und ich würde es gerne wieder machen. Ich fand es toll zu sehen, wie andere Leute an die Loglines und Szenen herangegangen sind - das hat mich auf eine Menge Ideen gebracht. Mir gefiel auch das Feedback, das der Trainer und die anderen Teilnehmer gaben
A great opportunity to practice your writing in such a concentrated way with other people's material and to force yourself to dive into genres that are outside your comfort zone.
Even though I came out as an absolute "Dune" fan, I surprisingly found the work with the musical material of "Cyrano" and also the work with King "Richard", a Bio Pic, to be the most enlightening.
The variety of texts was really good and the comments from others are helpful! It was a good atmosphere.
The weekly submissions totally helped me, often I wrote only last minute, but got done! And then there was helpful and inspiring feedback.
I decided to take the training on the spur of the moment and am immensely grateful for it - for so much openness and willingness to listen to / read from each other, receive and give constructive feedback, grow and develop with each other. The goals and deadlines set in the group gave me the necessary motivation to actually meet them, as I felt a certain responsibility towards the others. The result was a steady, joyful progression of our very individual stories.
I found it well structured and I liked starting with the focus on the world. Despite having very little time, I learned a lot from this training.
I started out with texts and spent a lot of time re-writing them, which made them more mature. I didn't get around to reading that much. The feedback I received was nice and specific, I knew exactly what to work on.
It was important for my process to write every day, the characters started talking eventually. The structure was great! There are still questions left to answer, but there seems to be a path.
Every writer functions differently: for me reading actual bibles and pilots was more helpful than reading books about screenwriting. In addition, it was great receiving feedback from a variety of talented people. Sometimes inspiration is ignited by friction :-)
Paula, Wow! Am still at work but just flew over your notes and find them very, very great! Thank you so much! You'll get yours soon too and I'll reply here again in detail too! Thanks a lot! Such great feedback makes this platform alive!
For me, the weekly reading of scripts, the training to write loglines and the exercise to capture the tonality of a script by writing another scene in the same style was very useful. To focus on constantly working on the logline has worked for me, because a good logline is a prerequisite for selling a script on the market. The task of writing scenes in a certain tonality gave me the idea for a new screenplay. Thank you for that.