ScreenWriting Marathon FAQ

Here is some assistance to write successfully during a month long marathon. It is collected wisdom from experienced mentors. These practices have been tried and proven helpful in direct and repeated practice. However, this is subjective and your process might differ. I pass it on as my „best of“ recommendation and invite you to share your own proven method!

How do I know which story to write?

  1. Make a list of your potential writing projects.
  2. Contemplate a little bit on each project, as to where do you dream of taking this to and where is it now.
  3. Notice how this makes you feel.
  4. Circle the project that makes you most excited.
  5. Circle the project that has the biggest gap from where it is to where it should be.
  6. Choose either one of the two.

    IF you choose the one that has the most guilt attached to it, congratulations!! 
Tackling this will most likely free up all your future writing projects. Shame or guilt are usually festering blocks, if not made peace with. 

So play with it!

    Remember, with ANY choice, during this marathon you have permission to totally suck at writing!

How do I create time to write?

  1. Always have a notepad with you. *
  2. Promise yourself to write down every IDEA and every QUESTION about your story.
    (Trust that the questions will eventually conjure up some answers from your subconscious. So no need to grab every premature answer. WONDER a bit about it.)
  3. Cut all TV watching for one month. Yes, this includes the news. And Netflix.
  4. Don’t read novels or books or magazines. Just for this month. Consider it a reading diet. You can jo-jo afterward all you want.
  5. Do absolutely NOTHING for 10 minutes each day. Each day, even when you don’t write that day. Here is how: Be alone in a room with a closed door. No visual and no audio stimuli. Set a time on 10 minutes. Sit or lie down. Do nothing.
    Notice that you breathe, think, and react to your thoughts and emotions. But don’t DO anything. This exercise has an amazing side effect of stretching time!
  6. Before you say „I don’t have time“, realize that as a writer you create your own world and circumstances.

    * If you drive a lot, instead of a pen and paper, it might work to take notes with the voice recording app on your phone. If you have a question, record it.

How do I structure the process?

  1. Choose a HEALTHY goal. Nothing unattainable, like write a feature script from scratch.
  2. If you have written an outline and you know the beginning, middle, and end of your story, go for a script. This means 3 pages per day as your average.
  3. If you have an idea about your story and characters, but not really the plot, write an outline during this month. A treatment has about 8 - 16 pages. This is hard work and shouldn’t be underestimated. Break it down into pages per week. 4 pages per week sound good? Go for it!
    3 sounds better? Go for that!
    As long as you stay true to your commitment, amazing things can happen.
  4. Set up a goal within reach and don’t give up on it. Practice GENTLE PERSISTENCE and TRUST THE PROCESS of asking and writing.
  5. Last but not least: write whether you feel like writing or not.

Don't forget: it's great to have you aboard and committed to your creative intention!