Julia Angerer-Zimth / @julia_angerer_zimth
Julia Angerer-Zimth
Studium Drehbuch an der ifs internationale filmschule köln
- Drehbuch schreiben
- Arthouse
- Komödie
- Drama
- Familien Film
- Mystery
- Romance
Sprachen / gesprochen
- Deutsch
- Englisch
Sprachen / schreiben
- Deutsch
- Englisch
scriptDock Community
Julia Zimth was born in Berlin and attended Waldorf School. After training as an actor, she studied screenwriting at the ifs internationale filmschule köln from 2012 to 2016. She then worked as a dramaturgical consultant for Sommerhaus and as a writer for Producers at Work and Grundy UFA. The miniseries "Good Monsters," a musical dramedy short-form series in which the big question of whether love is enough to save someone is sung about and which was a finalist for the AMC’s Best Female Creators Award, was featured in the Series Camp Watchroom and is now available on Sooner and via Prime Video.