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Forum / Nothing is Written

Nothing is Written

@baydogma @baydogma

In the old Sinbad movies, some bearded actor always said, "It is written". Like on some ancient scroll somewhere, there was some ultimate law or rule that was the gospel by virtue of the fact it was merely “written”.

Nothing is written.

I'm an artist by trade. My mom was a fashion illustrator. My dad was a Hollywood actor/stuntman. I developed a love for both art and movies and storytelling really seemed to be in my blood.

I made my career as an artist, but I kept bringing my screenplays to my dad. I needed his approval for some reason. We're all hard-wired to our parents, I guess. But, that was the roadblock. I believe my Dad's fear of being overshadowed by his boys, kept my brother and me down - so obvious now in hindsight for so many reasons.

The pandemic, the above realization, and the support from my wife, Kim, and good friends, have allowed me the time and permission to write again. I had such a great time. It was way too much fun. I drenched myself in masterclasses and allowed my story the time to bake in the oven. The process was magical - I can't say enough good about it. A feature horror film screenplay now exists, and it's completely exhilarating for me. I feel like I just emerged from a bunker.

But it's surprising to me how, in the eyes of a few, doing something different like this, doesn't seem to be okay. "Why?" I ask, thinking, is it written that I can only be an artist? Hell, no. Maybe it's a telling reflection of what those people couldn't achieve themselves? I'm no therapist, but if that's true, it's sad.

Here, I want to share my excitement, and instead, I'm either told to dial it back or not to be taken seriously. Talk about dealing with the forces of negativity, man. Maybe the Universe is trying to tell me something. Thank God for professional industry screenplay coverage tossing me out a few positive tidbits.

The bottom line; I'm left not knowing my own worth as a writer. So I entered some competitions and I wait. I wait for validation. Or humiliation. One or the other is coming, but nothing is written.

@paula_red @paula_red

Hey Michael!

That is a beautiful introduction of who you are as a writer!! Welcome aboard scriptDock :-)

I have to say that the communication via forum has been replaced by social media... we still keep the forum for our members to ask questions about this page - but other than with Frank & I, who run this page, there isn't much exchange happening here. Most of our members are here:

So please join us there and please post your personal introduction again! You will meet a lot of likeminded people here, I believe. We're exactly dedicated to this purpose; to nurture and strengthen the resolve of writers to push past the obstacles, and to develope their own voice in scriptwriting.

If you have any question on how to use this site, please don't hesitate to ask :-)

With kind regards,


@baydogma @baydogma

Thank you so much!!! See you on social media! ~ Michael

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