ScriptDock ScreenWriting Marathon May 2023

21 Days. Only your script. May 2023.


Photo by Allison Louise on Unsplash

We would like to draw your attention to the SCREENWRITING MARATHON in MAY!

This movement is made for projects that just need a push to leave the darkness of the drawer and see the light of day on paper.

ONE MONTH to write from beginning to the end of the story. Come what may!

This principle is the secret weapon against DOUBTS and PROCRASTINATION. 

For 21 days these forces and their tactics are outlawed!

Committing to a personal goal together with actively writing colleagues creates a dynamic that encourages perseverance. 

Wie bei ei­nem Ma­ra­thon - 

den läuft man auch nicht al­lei­ne.

Only after 21 days may we turn back the pages. The last week of the marathon is for rewriting, repairing and filling holes. Also still work, but doable! 

At the end of the month you can upload 60 pages of script, or a 20 page treatment for an individual ScriptCoaching. We'll work with you one-on-one to find the best way for you develop it further. So that in the end you’ll .

If you want to present a project at the next PITCH EVENT in JUNE, this marathon is also recommended.

Screenwriting Marathon

Get the structure, support, and coaching for your personal best results!

Previous screenwriting marathons have shown that gentle peer pressure and a deadline are very effective in reliably achieving personal writing goals.

Sometimes a few obstacles have to be overcome to get it out of your head and onto paper. Above all, PERFECTIONISM and PROCRASTINATION. That's why we have (almost) only one basic rule for the marathon, namely to WRITE through. This ensures productivity, and puts the inner censor to rest.

We're doing this together:

We write for 3 weeks straight. You may go back to review and polish your work in the last week of the month. 

The benefits:


Through the active writing practice of colleagues and the exchange about the process a dynamic is created that causes everyone to persevere. It's like running a marathon - you don't run it alone.

At the end of the month, you can upload 60 pages of script, or a 20-page treatment for an individual script coaching. The coaches will work with you one-on-one to determine where your next development steps can sharpen your vision and voice. Ensuring that the quality you want is there in the end.

Where is this happening?

We have our own marathon site on ScriptDock, where we regularly share our page count and communicate via chat.

To click this off, we meet on a zoom call to state our personal goals, and dedicate our efforts to overcome the obstacles. Dates for live calls will be published at the ScriptDock calendar.

Upload everything by the end of the month and receive a small ScriptCoaching.

How does a ScriptCoaching work?

First you get line-by-line feedback on your text and a written summary of the coaches first impression. Then we engage in a dialogue to specify your goals (either via Skype or in writing): what do you want to achieve? Where does the next step lead? We want to see YOUR stories fully developed, not something bent. 

The coach wants to lead you back to the feeling: "Now I know clearly where I am really drawn to, what drives me most", then we will show you the ways to get there.

This is followed by a written development recommendation with practical steps that bring new energy into the work process. In addition, we give you concrete examples that illustrate what could be dramaturgically condensed and strengthened. 

The marathon gives a specific deadline for writing your story.

The coaching is only retrievable if you actually reach your individual goal of the marathon. Of course, you may also exchange feedback in the dry dock with the participants from the marathon! This costs nothing and the required trust often arises through the common journey. 

The scriptCoaching includes these project sizes:

TREATMENT = 10-20 pages outline for a feature film (or a pilot/ or a season arc).  This requires writing 5 pages per week!

SCRIPT = 40-60 pages of script formatted pages.

This requires writing 3 PAGES per day!

So many numbers. But what is the fee?

only € 99,- ! + VAT

you receive a tax deductible receipt.

We are looking forward to running with you!

Paula & Frank & Carmen

ScriptCoaches are active writers themselves, and committed to  the profession. We just love the energy of the creative group!